
The Top Reasons Why You Need a South Carolina Real Estate Attorney 

We know that buying or selling a home in South Carolina is a very significant event in your life. This is going to be a place where you not only live but choose to raise your family, make your memories, and build your life. A choice of this significance both emotionally and financially requires your careful consideration and should not be left to chance.

South Carolina is one of the only states that require that you have an attorney to represent a buyer in a real estate transaction.  But not all attorneys are experienced in real estate transactions. Our South Carolina real estate attorneys have the experience and training in this area to ensure that you are represented at this important time in your life.  Let us share with you here on our blog the top reasons why you need an experienced South Carolina real estate attorney to represent you.

1. The contract language is incredibly important. The terms of the purchase and sale of real estate are memorialized in the real estate contract. This makes the South Carolina real estate contract an essential document for all parties to the sale. Any dispute between the parties that takes place before the closing on the sale of the property should be governed by the contract so it can be imperative that the terms of the contract reflect the true agreement and intent of the parties. It is not in your best interest to try to draft this contract yourself or not have representation. Your South Carolina real estate attorney is going to know the ins and outs of what to look for, make sure it is included, and provide you with the best level of protection.

2. Not all forms are the same. Although the availability of forms may make the preparation of the real estate contract seem easy and straightforward, there can be different forms for different types of sales. Further, there can be forms that do not provide you with the protection you need should this real estate deal not be something you want to proceed with at any time during the contract process. When you work with an experienced South Carolina real estate firm like ours we know the forms you need and their purposes.

3. South Carolina law applies and needs to be followed. Like most states, South Carolina has its own specific laws governing real estate transactions that take place in our state. These laws determine the clauses, provisions, and terms that need to be included. They also set forth how any issues, disputes, or other challenges are handled. Our South Carolina firm is well-versed in the local and state laws that can impact your sale or purchase and we can ensure your rights are protected in connection with the real estate transaction.

We know you may have questions. We want to ensure you have the best experience possible when you are buying or selling your home. We are your local, experienced, law firm!  At Jabber & Isaac, we are dedicated to providing the best legal counsel in a caring and compassionate way. If you are looking for a premier law firm in the Midlands area of South Carolina, look no further than Jabber & Isaac. To learn more about our firm, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our attorneys.

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